15 pieces of   dry apricot

1 1/2 tablespoon sun butter

1 1/2 tablespoon organic fruits jelly, or jam  any you have

2 tablespoon  pumpkin seeds

1/2 cup  shredded coconut

1/2 cup gluten-free  melted  dark chocolate, or your choice


1: Grind all pumpkin seed in blander or coffee grinder, then mix sun butter, jam and   grind pumpkin seed, mix them very well, then put in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2: Wash all the apricots and dry them very well so no water, then cut them from middle now take out mixture and make nice boll to just the size that fit in apricot, then put one boll in each aricots and close them.

look  at this picture, it will look like that.


3: Melt the chocolates, take a  bowl ( Corning or still) put chocolate in the bowl, then take the pan add water in and put the pan on the stove medium heat  and let water boil, then put bowl in with chocolate and   Keep stir  it will melt in 3 or  5 minutes.

4: Keep the dish ready with parchment paper. Now chocolate is ready to dip the  apricots in from the cut side only halfway, then roll into coconut, and put on parchment paper and put in refrigerator for half hours to chocolate to dry.

Here we go our very healthy and delicious apricot dessert is ready, It is very easy to make and you have all ingredient home

Note: This is vegan allergy friendly, gluten free, dairy free, nut-free.




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